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Index: A

ABS function : 13.1.1. The ABS function
absolute value : 13.1.1. The ABS function
abstract data types : (see ADTs)
abstraction : Abstraction
to compiled code, tuning : 25.2. Tuning Access to Compiled Code
to data, tuning : 25.3. Tuning Access to Your Data
data structure, encapsulating : 1.7.2. Synchronize Program and Data Structures
to SQL, minimizing : 25.3.1. Use Package Data to Minimize SQL Access
ACCESS table, tuning : 25.2.3. Tune ACCESS$ Table to Reduce First Execution Time of Code
actual parameters : 15.6.3. Actual and Formal Parameters
Ada programming language : Preface
ADD_MONTHS function : 12.1.1. The ADD_MONTHS function
customizing : 12.2.1. Customizing the Behavior of ADD_MONTHS
adding collection elements : 19.4.3. Adding and Removing Elements
administration of Oracle databases : About the Contents
administration, Oracle/AQ : C.3.2. DBMS_AQADM (PL/SQL 8 Only)
ADTs (abstract datatypes)
(see also object types) Classification
building : 22.6. Construct Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
advanced queuing : Oracle/AQ, the Advanced Queueing Facility
ADVISE_COMMIT procedure : C.15.1. The ADVISE_COMMIT procedure
ADVISE_NOTHING procedure : C.15.2. The ADVISE_NOTHING procedure
ADVISE_ROLLBACK procedure : C.15.3. The ADVISE_ROLLBACK procedure
assignment into rows : 10.6.3. Aggregate Assignment
operations Aggregate operations
9.5.4. Aggregate Assignment Records of the same type
of nested records : 9.7.3. Aggregate Assignments of Nested Records
values, combining with scalars : 17.8.2. Combining Scalar and Aggregate Values
aggregation : Inheritance
alerts : (see DBMS_ALERT package)
algorithms, tuning : 25.4. Tuning Your Algorithms
6.7. Column Aliases in Cursors
9.3.2. Setting the Record's Column Names
directory : 13.2.1. The BFILENAME function
for cursor variables : Cursor variable aliases
alignment of code : (see coding, layout of)
ALLOCATE_UNIQUE procedure : C.7.1. The ALLOCATE_UNIQUE procedure
ALTER SESSION command : 26.1.1. Enabling Program Units for Tracing
ALTER TABLE statement : 20.6. Schema Evolution
ALTER_COMPILE procedure : C.4.1. The ALTER_COMPILE procedure
ALTER_QUEUE procedure : C.3.2.4. The ALTER_QUEUE procedure
ANALYZE statement : 25.1. Analyzing Program Performance
ANALYZE_OBJECT procedure : C.4.2. The ANALYZE_OBJECT procedure
ANALYZE_SCHEMA procedure : C.16.1. The ANALYZE_SCHEMA procedure
anchored datatypes
1.6.1. Anchored declarations
4.5. Anchored Declarations
anchoring to subtypes : 4.6.3. Emulating Constrained Subtypes
angle brackets (>) as label delimiters : 5.2.1. The GOTO Statement
anonymous blocks : 15.3. The Anonymous PL/SQL Block
labels for : 15.3.6. Block Labels
nested : 15.3.4. Nested Blocks
in Oracle Tools : 15.3.3. Anonymous Blocks in the Oracle Tools
APPEND procedure : C.6.1. The APPEND procedure
applications, tuning : 25. Tuning PL/SQL Applications
access to compiled code : 25.2. Tuning Access to Compiled Code
access to data : 25.3. Tuning Access to Your Data
analyzing performance : 25.1. Analyzing Program Performance
optimizing algorithms : 25.4. Tuning Your Algorithms
AQ : (see advanced queuing)
arguments, trapping invalid : Trap invalid argument values
(see also tables) PL/SQL tables
building with tables : 10.9.4. Building Traditional Arrays with PL/SQL Tables
package for
(see also PSG_array package) Features of the array package
variable arrays : Variable arrays and nested tables
objects for : 18.1.2. Some Simple Examples
variable-size : (see VARRAYs)
ASCII function : 11.1.1. The ASCII function
assertion modules : 22.2.4. Use Assertion Modules to Validate Parameters and Assumptions
assigning objects : Direct assignment
assignment (\:=) operator
2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
4.4.3. Default Values
9.5. Assigning Values to and from Records
association operator for positional notation (=>) : 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
association, object : Inheritance
atomics of PL/SQL language : 2.1. The PL/SQL Character Set
attributes, cursor
6.9. Cursor Attributes
6.12.2. Similarities to Static Cursors
attributes, object : 18.1.1. Terminology
collections as : Collection as an attribute of an object type
dot notation for Dots in data structures Attribute or method?
object equality and : Equality comparisons
authority, execute/run : (see execute authority)

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