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Using COPY

COPY...TO allows you to copy the contents of a table to a file. The file can later be read using COPY...FROM.

Figure [*] shows the creation of a table with columns of various types.  

        test=> CREATE TABLE copytest (
        test(>                         intcol  INTEGER,
        test(>                         numcol  NUMERIC(16,2),
        test(>                         textcol TEXT,
        test(>                         boolcol BOOLEAN
        test(> );
        test=> INSERT INTO copytest
        test-> VALUES (1, 23.99, 'fresh spring water', 't');
        INSERT 174656 1
        test=> INSERT INTO copytest
        test-> VALUES (2, 55.23, 'bottled soda', 't');
        INSERT 174657 1
        test=> SELECT * FROM copytest;
         intcol | numcol |      textcol       | boolcol 
              1 |  23.99 | fresh spring water | t
              2 |  55.23 | bottled soda       | t
        (2 rows) 
        test=> COPY copytest TO '/tmp/copytest.out';
        test=> DELETE FROM copytest;
        DELETE 2
        test=> COPY copytest FROM '/tmp/copytest.out';
        test=> SELECT * FROM copytest;
         intcol | numcol |      textcol       | boolcol 
              1 |  23.99 | fresh spring water | t
              2 |  55.23 | bottled soda       | t
        (2 rows)

Two rows are then inserted into copytest. SELECT shows the contents of the table, and COPY...TO writes the table to the file /tmp/copytest.out. The rows are then deleted. Finally, COPY...FROM reloads the table, as shown by the last SELECT.

COPY provides a quick way to load and unload tables. It is used for database backup  (see Section [*]). The following sections cover various COPY features that are important when reading or writing COPY files in other applications.

Bruce Momjian