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Pgaccess is a graphical database tool that is used for accessing tables, queries, views, sequences, functions, reports, forms, scripts, users, and schemas. It is written using the POSTGRESQL TCL/TK  interface. Its source code appears in pgsql/src/bin/pgaccess.

Figure [*] shows the opening window of pgaccess.

\includegraphics[ height=0.40\textheight]{pgaccess.eps}

The tabs on the left show the items that can be accessed. The menu at the top permits database actions, table import/export, and object creation, deletion, and renaming.

Figure [*] shows the table window.

\includegraphics[ height=0.40\textheight]{pgaccess2.eps}

This window allows table rows to be viewed and modified.

The pgaccess manual page and help screens cover its capabilities in more detail. 

Bruce Momjian