Psql is ideal for interactively entering SQL commands and for running automated scripts, but it is not ideal for writing applications. Fortunately, POSTGRESQL has interfaces for many programming languages. Programming languages include variables, functions, conditional evaluation, looping, and complex input/output routines, all of which are required for writing good applications.
Table shows the supported programming interfaces.
This chapter will show the same application using each of the interfaces
listed in Table . The application is a very
simple one that prompts the user for a United States state code and
outputs the state name that goes with the code. Figure
shows the sample application being run.
Enter a state code: AL
For clarity, the text typed by the user appears in bold. The program
displays a prompt, the user types AL, and the program displays
Alabama. Although state codes are unique, the application is
written to allow multiple query return values. The application uses
the statename table, which is recreated in Figure .
test=> CREATE TABLE statename (code CHAR(2) PRIMARY KEY,
test(> name CHAR(30)
test(> );
test=> INSERT INTO statename VALUES ('AL', 'Alabama');
INSERT 18934 1
test=> INSERT INTO statename VALUES ('AK', 'Alaska');
INSERT 18934 1
Additional information about POSTGRESQL interfaces is available
in the Programmer's Manual mentioned in Appendix .