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SQL Functions

SQL functions allow you to name queries and store them in the database for later access. This section describes a variety of SQL functions of increasing complexity.

Functions are created with the CREATE FUNCTION command and removed with DROP FUNCTION. CREATE FUNCTION requires the following information:

Figure [*] shows the creation of a simple SQL function to convert a temperature from Fahrenheit to centigrade degrees.  

        test=> CREATE FUNCTION ftoc(float)
        test-> RETURNS float
        test-> AS 'SELECT ($1 - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;'
        test-> LANGUAGE 'sql';
        test=> SELECT ftoc(68);
        (1 row)

It supplies the following information to CREATE FUNCTION:

Although most functions return only one value, SQL functions can return multiple values using SETOF. Function actions can also contain INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs as well as multiple queries separated by semicolons.

The function action in ftoc() uses SELECT to perform a computation. It does not access any tables. The $1 in the SELECT is automatically replaced by the first argument of the function call. If a second argument were present, it would be represented as $2.

When the query SELECT ftoc(68) is executed, it calls ftoc(). This function replaces $1 with 68 and then makes the computation. In a sense, it executes a SELECT inside a SELECT. The outer SELECT calls ftoc(), and ftoc() uses its own SELECT to perform the computation.

Constants in the function contain decimal points, so floating-point computations are performed. Without them, division would be performed using integers. For example, the query SELECT 1/4 returns 0, whereas SELECT 1.0/4.0 returns 0.25.

Figure [*] shows an SQL server-side function to compute a tax.  

        test=> CREATE FUNCTION tax(numeric)
        test-> RETURNS numeric
        test-> AS 'SELECT ($1 * 0.06::numeric(8,2))::numeric(8,2);'
        test-> LANGUAGE 'sql';
        test=> SELECT tax(100);
        (1 row)

 The casts to NUMERIC(8,2) are required because the result of the computation must be rounded to two decimal places. This function uses the more compact double-colon form of type casting, rather than CAST. Section [*] provides more information about type casting. SELECT tax(100) performs a simple computation, similar to ftoc(). 

One powerful use of server-side functions is their use in SQL queries. Figure [*] shows the use of tax() with the part table from Figure [*].  

        test=> CREATE TABLE part (
        test(>                    part_id     INTEGER,
        test(>                    name        CHAR(30),
        test(>                    cost        NUMERIC(8,2),
        test(>                    weight      FLOAT
        test(> );
        test=> INSERT INTO part VALUES (637, 'cable', 14.29, 5);
        INSERT 20867 1
        test=> INSERT INTO part VALUES (638, 'sticker', 0.84, 1);
        INSERT 20868 1
        test=> INSERT INTO part VALUES (639, 'bulb', 3.68, 3);
        INSERT 20869 1
        test=> SELECT part_id,
        test->        name, 
        test->        cost, 
        test->        tax(cost), 
        test->        cost + tax(cost) AS total 
        test-> FROM part
        test-> ORDER BY part_id;
         part_id |              name              | cost  | tax  | total 
             637 | cable                          | 14.29 | 0.86 | 15.15
             638 | sticker                        |  0.84 | 0.05 |  0.89
             639 | bulb                           |  3.68 | 0.22 |  3.90
        (3 rows)

In this figure, three rows are inserted into the table, then a SELECT displays columns from the part table with additional computed columns showing the tax and the cost plus tax.

Figure [*] shows a more complex function that computes shipping charges.  

        test=> CREATE FUNCTION shipping(numeric)
        test-> RETURNS numeric
        test-> AS 'SELECT CASE
        test'>                 WHEN $1 < 2             THEN CAST(3.00 AS numeric(8,2))
        test'>                 WHEN $1 >= 2 AND $1 < 4 THEN CAST(5.00 AS numeric(8,2))
        test'>                 WHEN $1 >= 4            THEN CAST(6.00 AS numeric(8,2))
        test'>            END;'
        test-> LANGUAGE 'sql';
        test=> SELECT part_id,
        test->        trim(name) AS name,
        test->        cost,
        test->        tax(cost),
        test->        cost + tax(cost) AS subtotal,
        test->        shipping(weight),
        test->        cost + tax(cost) + shipping(weight) AS total
        test-> FROM part
        test-> ORDER BY part_id;
         part_id |  name   | cost  | tax  | subtotal | shipping | total 
             637 | cable   | 14.29 | 0.86 |    15.15 |     6.00 | 21.15
             638 | sticker |  0.84 | 0.05 |     0.89 |     3.00 |  3.89
             639 | bulb    |  3.68 | 0.22 |     3.90 |     5.00 |  8.90
        (3 rows)

  This function uses CASE  to compute shipping charges based on weight. It calls shipping() to generate a detailed analysis of the tax and shipping charges associated with each part. It prints the part number, name, cost, tax, subtotal of cost plus tax, shipping charge, and total of cost, tax, and shipping charge. The SELECT uses trim () to remove trailing spaces and narrow the displayed result.

If the tax rate or shipping charges change, you can easily modify the function to reflect the new rates. Simply use DROP FUNCTION to remove the function and then recreate it with new values. All user applications will automatically begin using the new version because the computations are embedded in the database, not in the user applications.

Server-side functions can also access database tables. Figure [*] shows an SQL function that internally accesses the statename table.  

        test=> CREATE FUNCTION getstatename(text)
        test-> RETURNS text
        test-> AS 'SELECT CAST(name AS TEXT) 
        test->     FROM  statename 
        test->     WHERE code = $1;'
        test-> LANGUAGE 'sql';
        test=> SELECT getstatename('AL');
        (1 row)

It looks up the proper state name for the state code supplied to the function.

Figure [*] shows two queries which yield identical results, though using different approaches.  

        test=> SELECT,
        test-> FROM   customer, statename
        test-> WHERE  customer.state = statename.code
        test-> ORDER BY;
                      name              |              name              
         Fleer Gearworks, Inc.          | Alabama                       
         Mark Middleton                 | Indiana                       
         Mike Nichols                   | Florida                       
        (3 rows) 
        test=> SELECT, getstatename(customer.state)
        test-> FROM   customer
        test-> ORDER BY;
                      name              |          getstatename          
         Fleer Gearworks, Inc.          | Alabama                       
         Mark Middleton                 | Indiana                       
         Mike Nichols                   | Florida                       
        (3 rows)

The first query joins the customer and statename tables. The second query does a SELECT on customer; for each row, getstatename() is then called to find the customer's state name. The two queries yield the same result only if each customer row joins to exactly one statename row. If any customer rows did not join to a statename row or joined to many statename rows, the results would be different. Also, because the second query executes the SQL function for every row in customer, it works more slowly than the first query. 

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Bruce Momjian