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Support Functions

 Functions enable you to access specialized routines from SQL. They take one or more arguments and return a result.

 Suppose you want to uppercase a value or column. No command will perform this operation, but a function can handle it. POSTGRESQL has a function called upper that takes a single string argument and returns the argument in uppercase. The function call upper(col) calls the function upper with col as its argument and returns it in uppercase. Figure [*] shows an example of the use of the upper function.   

        test=> SELECT * FROM functest;
        (1 row) 
        test=> SELECT upper(name) FROM functest;
        (1 row)

POSTGRESQL provides many functions. Table [*] shows the most common ones, organized by the data types supported.

Table: Common functions

Type Function Example Returns
Character length () length(col) length of col
String character_length () character_length(col) length of col, same as length()
  octet_length () octet_length(col) length of col, including multibyte overhead
  trim () trim(col) col with leading and trailing spaces removed
  trim(BOTH...) trim(BOTH col) same as trim()
  trim(LEADING...) trim(LEADING col) col with leading spaces removed
  trim(TRAILING...) trim(TRAILING col) col with trailing spaces removed
  trim(...FROM...) trim(str FROM col) col with leading and trailing str removed
  rpad () rpad(col, len) col padded on the right to len characters
  rpad() rpad(col, len, str) col padded on the right using str
  lpad () lpad(col, len) col padded on the left to len characters
  lpad() lpad(col, len, str) col padded on the left using str
  upper () upper(col) col uppercased
  lower () lower(col) col lowercased
  initcap () initcap(col) col with the first letter capitalized
  strpos () strpos(col, str) position of str in col
  position () position(str IN col) same as strpos()
  substr () substr(col, pos) col starting at position pos
  substring (...FROM...) substring(col FROM pos) same as substr()
  substr() substr(col, pos, len) col starting at position pos for length len
  substring(...FROM... substring(col FROM pos same as substr()
       FOR...)      FOR len)  
  translate () translate(col, from, to) col with from characters mapped to to
  to_number () to_number(col, mask) convert col to NUMERIC() based on mask
  to_date () to_date(col, mask) convert col to DATE based on mask
  to_timestamp () to_timestamp(col, mask) convert col to TIMESTAMP based on mask
Number round () round(col) round to an integer
  round() round(col, len) NUMERIC() col rounded to len decimal places
  trunc () trunc(col) truncate to an integer
  trunc() trunc(col, len) NUMERIC() col truncated to len decimal places
  abs () abs(col) absolute value
  factorial () factorial(col) factorial
  sqrt () sqrt(col) square root
  cbrt () cbrt(col) cube root
  exp () exp(col) exponential
  ln () ln(col) natural logarithm
  log () log(log) base-10 logarithm
  to_char () to_char(col, mask) convert col to a string based on mask
Temporal date_part () date_part(units, col) units part of col
  extract (...FROM...) extract(units FROM col) same as date_part()
  date_trunc () date_trunc(units, col ) col rounded to units
  isfinite () isfinite(col) BOOLEAN indicating whether col is a valid date
  now () now() TIMESTAMP representing current date and time
  timeofday () timeofday() string showing date/time in Unix format
  overlaps () overlaps(c1, c2, c3, c4) BOOLEAN indicating whether col's overlap in time
  to_char () to_char(col, mask) convert col to string based on mask
Geometric     see psql's \df for a list of geometric functions
Network broadcast () broadcast(col) broadcast address of col
  host () host(col) host address of col
  netmask () netmask(col) netmask of col
  masklen () masklen(col) mask length of col
  network () network(col) network address of col
NULL  nullif () nullif(col1, col2) return NULL if col1 equals col2, else return col1
  coalesce () coalesce(col1, col2,...) return first non-NULL argument

Psql's \df shows all defined functions and their arguments. Section [*] describes all the psql commands.

 If you call a function with a type for which it is not defined, you will get an error message, as shown in the first query of Figure [*].  

        test=> SELECT date_part('year', '5/8/1971');
        ERROR:  Function 'date_part(unknown, unknown)' does not exist
                Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
                You may need to add explicit typecasts
        test=> SELECT date_part('year', CAST('5/8/1971' AS DATE));
        (1 row)

In the first query, 5/8/1971 is a character string, not a date. The second query converts 5/8/1971 to a date, so date_part()  can be used.  

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Bruce Momjian