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- aaload instruction, 156
- aastore instruction, 157
- constraints, structural, 123
- in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, arrays, 358
- abnormal completion
- term definition, 68
- abstract keyword
- See also AbstractMethodError; ACC_ABSTRACT modifier
- class, term definition, 24
- methods, 28
- as interface members, 32
- AbstractMethodError, 44
- anewarray, 162
- checkcast, 175
- as class preparation error, 39
- constant pool resolution generation of, 143
- getfield, 226
- getstatic, 228
- instanceof, 257
- invokeinterface, 260
- invokeinterface_quick, 403
- invokespecial, 263
- invokestatic, 266
- invokevirtual, 268
- multianewarray, 316
- new, 318
- putfield, 325
- putstatic, 327
- ACC_ABSTRACT modifier
- See also abstract keyword
- (access_flags item of ClassFile structure), 86
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 104
- ACC_FINAL modifier
- See also final keyword
- (access_flags item of ClassFile structure), 86
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 102
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 104
- ACC_INTERFACE modifier
- See also interfaces
- (access_flags item of ClassFile structure), 86
- ACC_NATIVE modifier
- See also native keyword
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 104
- ACC_PRIVATE modifier
- See also private keyword
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 102
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 104
- ACC_PROTECTED modifier
- See also protected keyword
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 102
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 104
- ACC_PUBLIC modifier
- See also public keyword
- (access_flags item of ClassFile structure), 86
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 102
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 104
- ACC_STATIC modifier
- See also static keyword
- ACC_STATIC modifier (cont.)
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 102
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 104
- ACC_SUPER modifier
- See also superclasses
- (access_flags item of ClassFile structure), 86
- See also synchronization
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 104
- ACC_TRANSIENT modifier
- See also transient keyword
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 102
- ACC_VOLATILE modifier
- See also volatile keyword
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 102
- access control
- See also access_flags item, IllegalAccessError
- instance initialization methods, access permissions, 69
- qualified names and, 22
- access_flags item
- See also access control; security
- (ClassFile structure), 86
- (field_info structure), 102
- (method_info structure), 104
- accessing
- See also loading
- arrays, 34
- hidden fields, 26
- jump table
- by index and jump, tableswitch, 335
- by key match and jump, lookupswitch, 300
- local variables, structural constraints on instructions, 122
- aconst_null instruction, 159
- actions
- main memory subsystem
- lock, 373
- read, 373
- unlock, 373
- write, 373
- prescient store, with threads, 378
- thread
- assign, 372
- constraints on relationships among, 373
- load, 373
- lock, 373
- store, 373
- unlock, 373
- use, 372
- active use
- term definition, 46
- adding
- double, dadd, 179
- float, fadd, 207
- int, iadd, 238
- long, ladd, 285
- algorithms
- class file verification, 125
- constant pool resolution of
- arrays, 141
- classes, 141
- classes and interfaces loaded by a class loader, 144
- classes and interfaces not loaded by a class loader, 141
- interfaces, 141
- conversion of bytes item, CONSTANT_Float_info structure, 97
- conversion of high_bytes and low_bytes items, CONSTANT_Double_info structure, 98
- finally clause, data-flow analysis during class file verification, 135
- string literals, constant pool resolution, 149
- alignment
- code array, 111
- Java Virtual Machine instructions, implementation implications, 71
- aload instruction, 160
- See also astore instruction, wide instruction
- constraints, static, 121
- aload_<n> instructions, 161
- See also astore_<n> instructions
- constraints, static, 121
- in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
- arrays, 357, 358
- catching exceptions, 363, 364, 365
- compiling finally, 367, 368, 369
- invoking methods, 352, 354
- operand stack operations, 361
- synchronization, 370
- throwing exceptions, 362, 363
- working with class instances, 355, 356
- ANDing
- int, bitwise, iand, 240
- long, bitwise, land, 287
- anewarray instruction, 162
- constraints, static, 120
- in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, arrays, 357
- anewarray_quick instruction, 392
- API (Application Programmer Interface)
- Java Virtual Machine and ClassLoader class contract, possible future changes, 144
- areturn instruction, 163
- constraints, structural, 123
- in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
- arrays, 358
- working with class instances, 355, 356
- arithmetic
- adding
- double, dadd, 179
- float, fadd, 207
- int, iadd, 238
- long, ladd, 285
- ArithmeticException, 38
- dividing
- double, ddiv, 185
- float, fdiv, 213
- int, idiv, 243
- long, ldiv, 295
- exceptions
- ArithmeticException, idiv, 243
- ArithmeticException, irem, 271
- ArithmeticException, ldiv, 295
- ArithmeticException, lrem, 303
- instruction set, summary, 75
- Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, 345
- multiplying
- double, dmul, 189
- float, fmul, 217
- int, imul, 254
- long, lmul, 298
- negating
- double, dneg, 191
- float, fneg, 219
- int, ineg, 255
- long, lneg, 299
- remainder
- double, drem, 192
- float, frem, 220
- int, irem, 271
- long, lrem, 303
- subtracting
- double, dsub, 197
- float, fsub, 225
- int, isub, 277
- long, lsub, 309
- ArithmeticException, 38
- idiv, 243
- irem, 271
- ldiv, 295
- lrem, 303
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- See also IndexOutOfBoundsException
- aaload, 156
- aastore, 158
- baload, 169
- bastore, 170
- caload, 172
- castore, 173
- daload, 181
- dastore, 182
- faload, 209
- fastore, 210
- iaload, 239
- iastore, 241
- laload, 286
- lastore, 288
- saload, 331
- sastore, 332
- arraylength instruction, 164
- arrays
- See also class(es); interfaces; reference(s); types
- accessing, 34
- ArrayStoreException, 38
- C-like syntax, use in ClassFile specification, 83
- classes of, 13
- components, 33
- as kind of variable, 11
- constant pool resolution of, 141, 146
- creating, 34
- creation expression, 9
- instruction summary, 79
- multidimensional, multianewarray, 316
- arrays (cont.)
- multidimensional, multianewarray_quick, 421
- with components of primitive type, newarray, 320
- with components of reference type, anewarray, 162
- with components of reference type, anewarray_quick, 392
- dimensions, number limitation, 136
- errors
- AbstractMethodError, anewarray, 143
- AbstractMethodError, multianewarray, 316
- AbstractMethodError, new, 318
- ClassFormatError, anewarray, 142
- ClassFormatError, multianewarray, 316
- ClassFormatError, new, 318
- ExceptionInInitializerError, anewarray, 143
- ExceptionInInitializerError, multianewarray, 316
- ExceptionInInitializerError, new, 318
- IllegalAccessError, anewarray, 143, 146
- IllegalAccessError, multianewarray, 316
- IllegalAccessError, new, 318
- InstantiationError, new, 318
- NoClassDefFoundError, anewarray, 142
- NoClassDefFoundError, multianewarray, 316
- NoClassDefFoundError, new, 318
- VerifyError, anewarray, 142
- VerifyError, multianewarray, 316
- VerifyError, new, 318
- exceptions
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 34
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, aaload, 156
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, aastore, 158
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, baload, 169
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, bastore, 170
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, caload, 172
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, castore, 173
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, daload, 181
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, dastore, 182
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, faload, 209
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, fastore, 210
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, iaload, 239
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, iastore, 241
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, laload, 286
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, lastore, 288
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, saload, 331
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, sastore, 332
- ArrayStoreException, aastore, 158
- NegativeArraySizeException, anewarray, 162
- NegativeArraySizeException, multianewarray, 316
- NegativeArraySizeException, new, 318
- NegativeArraySizeException, newarray, 320
- NegativeArraySizeException, anewarray_quick, 392
- NegativeArraySizeException, multianewarray_quick, 421
- NullPointerException, aaload, 156
- NullPointerException, aastore, 158
- NullPointerException, arraylength, 164
- NullPointerException, baload, 169
- NullPointerException, bastore, 170
- NullPointerException, caload, 172
- NullPointerException, castore, 173
- NullPointerException, daload, 181
- NullPointerException, dastore, 182
- NullPointerException, faload, 209
- NullPointerException, fastore, 210
- NullPointerException, iaload, 239
- NullPointerException, iastore, 241
- NullPointerException, laload, 286
- NullPointerException, lastore, 288
- NullPointerException, saload, 331
- NullPointerException, sastore, 332
- field descriptor
- dimension limits on, 94
- name_index item (CONSTANT_Class_info) reference, 93
- specification, 91
- initializing, 34
- Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, 356
- length, 33
- fetching, arraylength, 164
- loading
- byte or boolean from, baload, 169
- char from, caload, 172
- double from, daload, 181
- float from, faload, 209
- int from, iaload, 239
- long from, laload, 286
- reference from, aaload, 156
- short from, saload, 331
- manipulating, instruction summary, 79
- as reference type, 61
- runtime exceptions
- ArrayStoreException, 38
- IndexOutOfBoundsException, 38
- NegativeArraySizeException, 38
- storing
- byte or boolean into, bastore, 170
- char into, castore, 173
- double into, dastore, 182
- float into, fastore, 210
- int into, iastore, 241
- long into, lastore, 288
- reference into, aastore, 157
- short into, sastore, 332
- term definition, 32
- types, 9, 33
- Java Virtual Machine mapping, 74
- variables, 33
- ArrayStoreException, 38
- aastore, 158
- term definition, 5
- assembly language
- Java Virtual Machine, format, 340
- assignable
- term definition, 18
- assignment
- compatible, 10
- failure, ArrayStoreException thrown when, 38
- term definition, 18
- conversion, 17
- context, 14
- variable
- by threads, 54
- variable initializers role in, 27
- assumptions
- meaning of `must' in instruction descriptions, 151
- asterisk (*)
- descriptor grammar notation use, 90
- astore instruction, 165
- See also aload instruction; ret instruction; wide instruction
- constraints, static, 121
- astore_<n> instructions, 166
- See also aload_<n> instructions, ret instruction
- constraints, static, 121
- in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
- arrays, 357, 358
- catching exceptions, 363, 364, 365
- compiling finally, 367, 368, 369
- synchronization, 370
- throwing exceptions, 363
- working with class instances, 355
- athrow instruction, 167
- constraints, structural, 123
- in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
- compiling finally, 367, 369
- synchronization, 370
- throwing exceptions, 362
- attribute_info structure
- (generic structure of items in attributes tables), 106
- attribute_length item
- (attribute_info generic structure), 107
- (Code_attribute structure), 111
- (ConstantValue_attribute structure), 109
- attribute_length item (cont.)
- (Exceptions_attribute structure), 114
- (LineNumberTable_attribute structure), 115
- (LocalVariableTable_attribute structure), 117
- (SourceFile_attribute structure), 108
- attribute_name_index item
- (attribute_info generic structure), 107
- (Code_attribute structure), 111
- (ConstantValue_attribute structure), 109
- (Exceptions_attribute structure), 114
- (LineNumberTable_attribute structure), 115
- (LocalVariableTable_attribute structure), 117
- (SourceFile_attribute structure), 108
- attributes
- See also ClassFile structure:
- attribute_length item
- attribute_name_index item
- attributes_count item
- attributes table
- See also predefined attributes:
- Code_attribute
- ConstantValue_attribute
- Exceptions_attribute
- LineNumberTable_attribute
- LocalVariableTable_attribute
- SourceFile_attribute
- defining and naming new, 107
- attributes_count item
- (ClassFile structure), 88
- (Code_attribute structure), 113
- (field_info structure), 103
- (method_info structure), 106
- attributes table
- (ClassFile structure), 89
- (Code_attribute structure), 113
- (field_info structure), 103
- (method_info structure), 106
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Java Virtual Machine Specification
Copyright © 1996, 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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