- V character
- method descriptor meaning, 91
- values, 7
- concrete, mapping symbolic references to, constant pool resolution (chapter), 139
- default, 12
- floating-point, 7
- primitive, 7
- return, frame use for, 66
- variables
- See also constants; literals
- array type, 33
- of a class, fields defined as, 26
- double nonatomic treatment of, memory operations on, 376
- initial values of, term definition, 12
- of an instance, 26
- interaction with locks, rules about, 377
- interface type, implications, 13
- kinds of, 11
- local
- accessing, structural constraints on instructions, 122
- code verification, Pass 3 - bytecode verifier, 128
- data flow analysis, 126
- exception handling impact on, 70
- extend index by additional bytes, wide, 337
- frames used to hold, 66
- instruction specialized to handle, advantages of, 342
- instructions for accessing more, summary, 75
- load and store instructions, summary, 74
- loading double from, dload, 187
- loading double from, dload_<n>, 188
- loading float from, fload, 215
- loading float from, fload_<n>, 216
- loading int from, iload, 252
- loading int from, iload_<n>, 253
- loading long from, lload, 296
- loading long from, lload_<n>, 297
- loading reference from, aload, 160
- loading reference from, aload_<n>, 161
- location of, 118
- maximum number, 111
- number limitation, 136
- reuse, advantages of, 342
- states, merging, during data-flow analysis, 130
- storing double into, dstore, 195
- storing double into, dstore_<n>, 196
- storing float into, fstore, 223
- storing float into, fstore_<n>, 224
- storing int into, istore, 275
- storing int into, istore_<n>, 276
- storing long into, lstore, 307
- storing long into, lstore_<n>, 308
- storing reference into, astore, 165
- storing reference into, astore_<n>, 166
- term definition, 12
- long nonatomic treatment of, memory operations on, 376
- shared
- mechanisms for handling, 26
- multithreaded actions, 54
- state among, 9
- term definition, 10
- thread use constraints, 374
- transient, 26
- volatile rules about, 378
- verification
- class files, 124
- compiler and language independence, 125
- Pass 3, 128
- procedures, 125
- errors
- VerifyError as class verification error, 39
- VerifyError meaning of, 44
- VerifyError constant pool resolution generation of, 143
- overview, 41
- term definition, 44
- VerifyError, 44
- anewarray, 162
- checkcast, 175
- getfield, 226
- getstatic, 228
- instanceof, 257
- invokespecial, 263
- invokestatic, 266
- invokevirtual, 268
- multianewarray, 316
- new, 318
- putfield, 325
- putstatic, 327
- versions
- binary compatibility issues, 124
- major, major_version item (ClassFile structure) representation of, 84
- minor, minor_version item (ClassFile structure) representation of, 84
- VirtualMachineError, 39
- constant pool resolution generation of, 140
- reasons for throwing instances of, 152
- void
- field descriptor specification, 91
- return from method, return, 330
- volatile keyword
- See also ACC_VOLATILE modifier
- variables, rules about, 378
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Java Virtual Machine Specification
Copyright © 1996, 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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