Contents | Prev | Next | IndexThe JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification


J character
field descriptor meaning, 91
concepts, (chapter), 5
digits, 6
letters, 6
Virtual Machine, See Java Virtual Machine; package interface
class file data format support by, 83
readInt method, class file data type support by, 83
readUnsignedByte method, class file data type support by, 83
readUnsignedShort method, class file data type support by, 83 class, class file data format support by, 83 interface, class file data format support by, 83 class, class file data format support by, 83
java.lang package
java.lang.Object class, as interpretation of zero value for super_class item (ClassFile structure), 87
CONSTANT_String_info structure representation, syntax and item descriptions, 96
string literals, constant pool resolution of, 148
Java Virtual Machine
assembly language, format, 340
compiling for, (chapter), 339
life cycle, 40
startup, 40
structure of, (chapter), 57
unrecoverable runtime exceptions associated with, 39
JIT (Just-In-Time) code generation
Java Virtual Machine implementation issues, 82, 339
jsr instruction, 280
static, 119
structural, 124
in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, compiling finally, 367, 368
returnAddress type used by, 60
try-finally clause implementation use, Sun's Java compiled code characteristics, 134
jsr_w instruction, 281
static, 119
structural, 124
returnAddress type used by, 60
jump table
by index and jump, tableswitch, 335
by key match and jump, lookupswitch, 300
alignment concerns, 111
jump to subroutine instructions
constraints, static, 119
jsr, 280
wide index, jsr_w, 281

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Java Virtual Machine Specification

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