
author — The name of an individual author.


author ::=


The author element holds information about the author of a document. When inside one of the bibliographic elements, author refers to the author of the document described by that element. Otherwise, it refers to the author of the current document or document section.

Processing expectations

May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context. Sometimes suppressed.

Parents [+]

This element occurs in 64 elements.


The following elements occur in author: address, affiliation, contrib, email, orgdiv, orgname, personblurb, personname, uri.


<article xmlns=''>
  <title>Example author</title>

      <othername role='mi'>D</othername>
      <jobtitle>Senior Application Analyst</jobtitle>
      <orgname>ArborText, Inc.</orgname>
      <orgdiv>Application Developement</orgdiv>


Last revised by Norman Walsh on 6 Jun 2011 (git hash: 6ffcc7640bbc5f852a318e452c9f210f03292cb9)