
uri — A Uniform Resource Identifier.


uri ::= [-]


Common attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • type


The uri element identifies a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in content.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline. The uri element does not automatically generate a link to the URI it identifies.

DocBook does not mandate any values for the type attribute, but several useful values have been suggested:

  • xmlnamespace for an XML namespace name; for example, http://docbook.org/ns/docbook

  • saxfeaturename for a SAX feature name; for example, http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces

  • saxpropertyname for a SAX property name; for example, http://xml.org/sax/properties/declaration-handler

  • soapaction for a SOAP action; see SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts

  • rddlpurpose for an RDDL purpose; see Resource Directory Description Language (RDDL)

  • rddlnature for an RDDL nature; see Resource Directory Description Language (RDDL)

  • homepage for a home page; for example, http://nwalsh.com/

  • weblog for a web log; for example, http://norman.walsh.name/

  • webpage for a web page; for example, http://docbook.org/schemas/

  • website for a website; for example, http://docbook.org


Common attributes.


Identifies the type of URI specified

Children [+]

This element contains 29 elements.
Last revised by Norman Walsh on 6 Jun 2011 (git hash: 6ffcc7640bbc5f852a318e452c9f210f03292cb9)