
trademark — A trademark.


trademark ::= [-]


Common attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • class (enumeration)
    • “copyright”
    • “registered”
    • “service”
    • “trade”


A trademark identifies a legal trademark.

One of the values of the class attribute on trademark is Copyright. DocBook also has a copyright element, but it is confined to meta-information. A copyright in running text is best represented as <trademark class=copyright>.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline.

In addition to trademark, two of the values of the class attribute on productname make assertions about trademarks; presumably the same markup is intended for both trademark and productname when they make assertions about trademarks.


Common attributes.


Identifies the class of trade mark

Enumerated values:

A copyright


A registered copyright


A service


A trademark

Parents [+]

This element occurs in 177 elements.

Children [+]

This element contains 29 elements.


<article xmlns=''>
<title>Example trademark</title>

<para><trademark class='registered'>Nutshell Handbook</trademark> is a
registered trademark of O'Reilly Media, Inc.


Nutshell Handbook® is a registered trademark of O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Last revised by Norman Walsh on 6 Jun 2011 (git hash: 6ffcc7640bbc5f852a318e452c9f210f03292cb9)