
productnumber — A number assigned to a product.


productnumber ::= [-]


A productnumber identifies a “product number” in some unspecified numbering scheme. It’s possible that product numbers for different products might not even come from the same scheme.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline. Sometimes suppressed.

DocBook does not control, or specify, the numbering scheme used for products.

Parents [+]

This element occurs in 62 elements.

Children [+]

This element contains 29 elements.


<article xmlns=''
<title>Example productnumber</title>

<para>You can order <citetitle>DocBook: The Definitive Guide</citetitle>
  directly from O'Reilly Media.  Order product number
  <productnumber>978-0-596-80502-9</productnumber> by phone or 
  <link xlink:href="">over the web</link>.


You can order DocBook: The Definitive Guide directly from O'Reilly Media. Order product number 978-0-596-80502-9 by phone or over the web.

Last revised by Norman Walsh on 6 Jun 2011 (git hash: 6ffcc7640bbc5f852a318e452c9f210f03292cb9)