
refmiscinfo — Meta-information for a reference entry other than the title and volume number.


refmiscinfo ::= [-]


Common attributes.

Additional attributes:

  • At most one of:
    • class (enumeration)
      • “source”
      • “version”
      • “manual”
      • “sectdesc”
      • “software”
    • All or none of:
      • class (enumeration)
        • “other”
      • otherclass


The refmiscinfo element is an escape hatch for additional meta-information about a reference page. It may hold copyright information, release or revision information, descriptive text for use in a print header or footer, or any other information not explicitly provided for in refmeta.

Processing expectations

May be formatted inline or as a displayed block, depending on context.


Common attributes.


Identifies the kind of miscellaneous information

Enumerated values:

The name of the software product or component to which this topic applies


The version of the software product or component to which this topic applies


The section title of the reference page (e.g., User Commands)


The section title of the reference page (believed synonymous with "manual" but in wide use)


The name of the software product or component to which this topic applies (e.g., SunOS x.y; believed synonymous with "source" but in wide use)


Identifies the kind of miscellaneious information

Enumerated values:

Indicates that the information is some 'other' kind.


Identifies the nature of non-standard miscellaneous information


These elements contain refmiscinfo: refmeta.

Children [+]

This element contains 29 elements.
Last revised by Norman Walsh on 6 Jun 2011 (git hash: 6ffcc7640bbc5f852a318e452c9f210f03292cb9)