Website formatting

You have several options for controlling the format of your webpages.

Using CSS with Website

Since your output is HTML pages, one of the best tools for controlling the formatting of your web pages is with a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). You may be familiar with the DocBook stylesheet parameter html.stylesheet that can be used to specify a CSS stylesheet name. You can use that parameter with Website, but it has the disadvantage that the address of the stylesheet is fixed. That means you must either specify an absolute path, or you must copy the stylesheet file to each directory that gets HTML webpages.

The recommended approach in Website is to add a style element to your layout.xml file. Then you only need one copy of the stylesheet file for all HTML output. For example, place this element before the toc section:

<style src="mystyle.css" type="text/css"/>
  <tocentry ...>

In each generated HTML webpage, the Website stylesheet will compute a relative path to the stylesheet location specified in the src attribute, based on which directory the HTML output file is located. That way you can just copy your stylesheet file to one location and all the files can use it. The value in src is figured relative to the output-root parameter. In this example, if you set output-root="html", then you should copy the stylesheet file to html/mystyle.css.

Website config attributes

You can specify several configuration parameters in your website source files using config elements. Each config element is empty and takes a param and value attribute. For example:

<config  param="navtocwidth"  value="220"/>

The param attribute specifies the name of the parameter, and the value attribute specifies its value.

If you place a config element in your layout.xml file outside the toc element , then the parameter applies to all your webpages. If you place the config element as a child of webpage in one of your Webpage XML files, then it overrides the global value and applies only to that page. If neither are set, then the stylesheet provides a default stylesheet parameter value for some configuration features, as noted in the table below. The default value can be overridden on the processor command line like other stylesheet parameters.

Table 29.2. Website config attributes

Website Featureparam=value=Applies to
Background color for navigational list.navbgcolor[a]HTML color values such as #4080FF.Left side of pages generated with tabular.xsl or chunk-tabular.xsl.
Nominal width of navigational listnavtocwidth[b]HTML width value, such as 220 (pixels).Left side of pages generated with tabular.xsl or chunk-tabular.xsl
Image for top of left-side navigational list on home page.homebanner-tabular Pathname to a graphics file suitable for use in an HTML IMG tag.Left side of home page generated with tabular.xsl or chunk-tabular.xsl
Image for top of left-side navigational list on non-home pages.banner-tabularPathname to a graphics file suitable for use in an HTML IMG tag.Left side of pages generated with tabular.xsl or chunk-tabular.xsl
Image for top of non-tabular home page.homebannerPathname to a graphics file suitable for use in an HTML IMG tag.Top of home page generated by website.xsl or chunk-website.xsl
Image for top of non-tabular page other than home page.bannerPathname to a graphics file suitable for use in an HTML IMG tag.Top of pages generated by website.xsl or chunk-website.xsl
Link in footer to a URL.footerURL value. Also requires an altval="text string" attribute.Center part of footer, shown next to Home link separated by '|' symbol.
Link in footer to another webpage. footlinkID value of one of your webpages. Also requires an altval="text string" attribute. Center part of footer, shown next to Home link separated by '|' symbol.
Feedback link in[c]URL (typically a mailto:).Left part of footer. Hot text is value of stylesheet parameter If stylesheet parameter feedback.with.ids is nonzero, then current page ID value is appended to each URL.
Date of last revision in footer.rcsdateDate text string.Left part of footer.

[a] Value can also be set with navbgcolor stylesheet parameter at runtime.

[b] Value can also be set with navtocwidth stylesheet parameter at runtime.

[c] Value can also be set with feedback.href stylesheet parameter at runtime.

Website stylesheet customization

You can also use the usual methods of stylesheet customization to customize your web pages. Use this method when you want to change how elements are processed or where they are placed on the pages. You can also use a customization layer to record a set of stylesheet parameters so you don't have to enter them on the command line, alter attribute-sets, and fill in placeholder templates used by the stylesheets.

There are many stylesheet parameters that are specific to Website. See the Website file xsl/param.xsl for a complete description of the stylesheet parameters. You can also set any stock DocBook stylesheet parameters if they apply to your output.

To start a customization layer for Website, you import the website stylesheet you want to customize rather than the original DocBook stylesheet. The Website stylesheet will then import the parts of DocBook that it needs. See Table 29.1, “Website stylesheets” for the list of stylesheets you can import. Then you add any parameter settings and templates that you want to customize. Here is a short example.

<?xml version='1.0'?> 
<xsl:stylesheet  xmlns:xsl=""

<xsl:import href="chunk-tabular.xsl"/> 

<!-- Website stylesheet parameters -->
<xsl:param name="" select="0"/>
<xsl:param name="">Send us feedback</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="textbgcolor">#C8C8C8</xsl:param>

<!-- DocBook stylesheet parameters -->
<xsl:param name="" select="1"/>

<!-- Template customizations go here -->


If you use more than one of the Website stylesheets, you will probably want similar customizations in each. You will need a separate customization file for each stylesheet, because xsl:import will not take a parameter value to select the stylesheet. To avoid duplicating your customizations, put them in a separate stylesheet module and use xsl:include to include that file in all of your customization layers.

This table provides starting points for how to customize various features of website. Keep in mind that when customizing attribute-sets that your customized attribute-set will be merged with the existing one. You only need to provide new attributes or overriding attribute values.

Table 29.3. Website customizations

Website FeatureCustomize thisApplies to
Overall page table propertiesThe attribute-set in tabular.xsl. Takes any HTML TABLE attributes.Pages generated with tabular.xsl or chunk-tabular.xsl
<xsl:attribute-set name="">
  <xsl:attribute name="border">1</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="cellpadding">4</xsl:attribute>
Navigational list table cell propertiesThe attribute-set in tabular.xsl. Takes any HTML td attributes.Left-side list in pages generated with tabular.xsl or chunk-tabular.xsl
  <xsl:attribute name="background">myimage.gif
Body table cell propertiesThe attribute-set in tabular.xsl. Takes any HTML td attributes.Right-side body area in pages generated with tabular.xsl or chunk-tabular.xsl
<xsl:attribute-set name="">
  <xsl:attribute name="background">myimage.gif
Non-tabular page attributesThe body.attributes template in html/docbook.xsl in the main DocBook stylesheets. Takes any HTML BODY attributes.Pages generated with any of the Website stylesheets.
<xsl:template name="body.attributes">
  <xsl:attribute name="bgcolor">blue</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="text">white</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="link">#0000FF</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="vlink">#840084</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name="alink">#0000FF</xsl:attribute>
Banner at top of all pages.The empty allpages.banner template in website-common.xslPages generated with any of the Website stylesheets. Appears above the page table in tabular pages.
<xsl:template name="allpages.banner">
  <img src="myimages.gif"><br/>
Top-left header on tabular home page.The home.navhead template in tabular.xslBody area in pages generated with tabular.xsl or chunk-tabular.xsl
<xsl:template name="home.navhead">
  <B><xsl:text>My own left header text</xsl:text></B>
Top-right header on tabular home page.The home.navhead.upperright template in tabular.xslBody area in pages generated with tabular.xsl or chunk-tabular.xsl
<xsl:template name="home.navhead.upperright">
  <B><xsl:text>My own right header text</xsl:text></B>
Horizontal header separator on tabular home page.The home.navhead.separator template in tabular.xslBody area in pages generated with tabular.xsl or chunk-tabular.xsl
<xsl:template name="home.navhead.upperright">
  <hr size="8"/>
Vertical separator between navigational list and bodyThe empty hspacer template in tabular.xsl. Takes an HTML td element and content.Pages generated with tabular.xsl or chunk-tabular.xsl
<xsl:template name="hspacer">
  <td bgcolor="#333333" width="12"/>
Maximum number of entries displayed in header navigational row.The max.toc.width parameter, set to 7 by default in website.xslPages generated with website.xsl or chunk-website.xsl
<xsl:param name="max.toc.width">5</xsl:param>
Turn off header rule.The parameter, set to 1 by default in website.xslPages generated with website.xsl or chunk-website.xsl
<xsl:param name="">0</xsl:param>
Turn off footer rule.The parameter, set to 1 by default in website.xslPages generated with website.xsl or chunk-website.xsl
<xsl:param name="">0</xsl:param>
Put allpages.banner after the navigational row.The banner.before.navigation parameter, set to 1 by default in website.xslPages generated with website.xsl or chunk-website.xsl
<xsl:param name="banner.before.navigation">0</xsl:param>
Turn on Next and Prev sequence links.The sequential.links parameter, set to 0 by default in param.xslPages generated with any of the Website stylesheets.
<xsl:param name="sequential.links">1</xsl:param>