Every row in POSTGRESQL is assigned a unique, normally invisible number called an object identification number (OID). When the software is initialized with initdb , 11.1 a counter is created and set to approximately seventeen-thousand. 11.2 The counter is used to uniquely number every row. Although databases may be created and destroyed, the counter continues to increase. It is used by all databases, so identification numbers are always unique. No two rows in any table or in any database will ever have the same object ID. 11.3
You have seen object identification numbers already--they
are displayed after every INSERT statement. If you look back
at Figure on page
, you will see
the line INSERT 19053 1. INSERT is the command that
was executed, 19053 is the object identification number assigned
to the inserted row, and 1 is the number of rows inserted.
A similar line appears after every INSERT statement. Figure
on page
shows sequential
object identification numbers assigned by consecutive INSERT
Normally, a row's object identification number is displayed only by
INSERT queries. However, if the OID is specified
by a non-INSERT query, it will be displayed, as shown in
Figure .
test=> CREATE TABLE oidtest(age INTEGER);
test=> INSERT INTO oidtest VALUES (7);
INSERT 21515 1
test=> SELECT oid, age FROM oidtest;
oid | age
21515 | 7
(1 row)
In that example, the SELECT has accessed the normally invisible OID column. The OID displayed by the INSERT and the OID displayed by the SELECT are the same.
Even though no OID column is mentioned in CREATE TABLE statements, every POSTGRESQL table includes an invisible column called OID. This column appears only if you specifically access it. 11.4 The query SELECT * FROM table_name does not display the OID column. However, SELECT oid, * FROM table_name will display it.
Object identification numbers can be used as primary and foreign key values in joins. Since every row has a unique object ID, a separate column is not needed to hold the row's unique number.
For example, in Chapter we used a column
called customer.customer_id. This column held the customer
number and uniquely identified each row. Alternatively, we could have
used the row's object identification number as the unique number for
each row, eliminating the need to create the column customer.customer_id.
In that case, customer.oid would be the unique customer number.
With this change, a similar change should be made in the salesorder
table. We could rename salesorder.customer_id to salesorder.customer_oid
because the column now refers to an OID. The column type
should be changed as well. The salesorder.customer_id was
defined as type INTEGER. The new salesorder.customer_oid
column would hold the OID of the customer who placed the
order. For this reason, we should change the column type from INTEGER
to OID. Figure shows a new version
of the salesorder table using each row's OID as a
join key.
test=> CREATE TABLE salesorder (
test(> order_id INTEGER,
test(> customer_oid OID, -- joins to customer.oid
test(> employee_oid OID, -- joins to employee.oid
test(> part_oid OID, -- joins to part.oid
A column of type OID is similar to an INTEGER column, but defining it as a type OID documents that the column holds OID values. Do not confuse a column of type OID with a column named OID. Every row has a column named OID, which is normally invisible. A row can have zero, one, or more user-defined columns of type OID.
A column of type OID is not automatically assigned any special value from the database. Only the column named OID is specially assigned during INSERT.
Also, the order_id column in the salesorder table could be eliminated. The salesorder.oid column would then represent the unique order number.