- magic item
- (ClassFile structure), 84
- magic number
- See also magic item (ClassFile structure)
- class file verification of, 125
- main method
- invocation of, 40
- major_version item
- (ClassFile structure), 84
- manipulation
- objects, instruction summary, 79
- mapping
- symbolic references to concrete values, constant pool resolution, (chapter), 139
- max_locals item
- (Code_attribute structure), 111
- max_stack item
- (Code_attribute structure), 111
- members
- class, term definition, 25
- term definition, 21
- memory
- allocation during instance creation, 49
- errors, OutOfMemoryError constant pool resolution generation of, 143
- garbage collection
- and finalization, 51
- as memory management technique, 9
- limiting use of, Java stack size limit use for, 63
- main, term definition, 371
- master, of variables, term definition, 371
- runtime data areas
- constant pool, 64
- heap, 63
- Java stacks, 62
- layout not specified by Java Virtual Machine specification, 57
- method area, 63
- native method stacks, 65
- pc register, 61
- term definition, 371
- thread interaction with, ordering rules, 54
- working, term definition, 371
- method
- super term definition, 30
- method_info structure
- (methods table of ClassFile structure), 104
- methods
- See also fields
- abnormal completion, 68
- abstract, 28
- abstract, as interface members, 32
- area
- constant pool allocation from, 64
- term definition, 63
- Character.isJavaLetter method, 6
- Character.isJavaLetterOrDigit method, 6
- class
- invoking, invokestatic, 265
- invoking, invokestatic_quick, 410
- classFinalize method, invoking during class finalization, 52
- <clinit> special method
- as class or interface initialization method name, 69
- constant_pool reference to, 95
- invocation of, static constraints, 120
- method_info structure access flags ignored, 104
- name_index item (method_info structure) reference, 105
- code
- location, 111
- size limitation, 136
- verification, Pass 3 - bytecode verifier, 128
- compilation of, Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, 341
- constant pool
- references, verification process, 126
- resolution of, 147
- data flow analysis, 126
- defineClass method, ClassLoader class, 145
- descriptor
- argument number limitation, 136
- as value of CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure referenced by descriptor_index item, CONSTANT_NameAndType_info structure, 100
- syntax and meaning, 91
- errors, AbstractMethodError, 44
- exit method, Java Virtual Machine exit activated by, 52
- final, 28
- finalize method, 51
- findSystemClass method, ClassLoader class, 145
- frames use with, 66
- <init> special method
- as instance initialization method name, 69
- constant_pool reference to, 95
- invocation of, static constraints, 120
- invocation of, structural constraints, 122
- method_info structure access flags, 104
- name_index item (method_info) reference, 105
- initialization, 69
- instance, 28
- data-flow analysis during class file verification, 132
- invoking, invokespecial, 261
- invoking, invokevirtual, 267
- invoking, invokevirtual_quick, 411
- invoking, invokevirtual_quick_w, 413
- invoking for java.lang.Object class, invokevirtualobject_quick, 415
- invoking initialization, invokenonvirtual_quick, 406
- interface
- constant pool resolution of, 148
- invoking, invokeinterface, 258
- invoking, invokeinterface_quick, 403
- invocation
- conversion, context, 14
- conversion, 18
- expressions, access control and, 22
- instruction summary, 80
- structural constraints on instructions, 123
- main method, invocation of, 40
- modifiers, 28
- native, 29
- invoking, invokenonvirtual_quick, 406
- pc register state, 62
- stacks, 65
- newInstance method, Class class, 9
- normal completion, 68
- notify method, multithreaded actions, 54
- notifyAll method, multithreaded actions, 54
- number and size limitation, 136
- operand stack use by, 67
- parameters, as kind of variable, 11
- private, 28
- invoking, invokenonvirtual_quick, 406
- protected, structural constraints, 123
- public, 28
- readInt method, java.io.DataInput interface, class file data type support by, 83
- readUnsignedByte method, java.io.DataInput interface, class file data type support by, 83
- readUnsignedShort method, java.io.DataInput interface, class file data type support by, 83
- references, constant pool resolution, 148
- requirements for throwing exceptions, 114
- resolveClass method, ClassLoader class, 145
- return
- double value from, dreturn, 194
- float value from, freturn, 222
- instruction summary, 80
- int value from, ireturn, 272
- long value from, lreturn, 304
- reference value from, areturn, 163
- type, structural constraints on instructions, 123
- methods (cont.)
- void from, return, 330
- setDaemon method, creating daemon threads with, 53
- stop method
- Thread class, as exception cause, 35
- Thread class, as asynchronous exception cause, 37
- String.intern, 6
- superclasses, invoking, invokesuper_quick, 408
- synchronization, instruction summary, 81
- synchronized methods, 29
- double value return from, dreturn, 194
- float value return from, freturn, 222
- int value return from, ireturn, 272
- long value return from, lreturn, 304
- reference value return from, areturn, 163
- void return from, return, 330
- table, preparation phase use of, 45
- term definition, 27
- uncaughtException method, exception handling use, 35, 36
- wait method, multithreaded actions, 54
- methods_count item
- (ClassFile structure), 88
- methods table
- (ClassFile structure), 88
- minor_version item
- (ClassFile structure), 84
- monitor
- enter for object, monitorenter, 312
- exit for object, monitorexit, 314
- term definition, 53
- monitorenter instruction, 312
- in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, synchronization, 370
- monitorexit instruction, 314
- in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, synchronization, 370
- multianewarray instruction, 316
- constraints, static, 120, 121
- in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, arrays, 358
- multianewarray_quick instruction, 421
- multiplying
- double, dmul, 189
- float, fmul, 217
- int, imul, 254
- long, lmul, 298
- must
- instruction description implications, 151
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Java Virtual Machine Specification
Copyright © 1996, 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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