- name_and_type item
- (CONSTANT_Fieldref_info structure), 95
- (CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info structure), 95
- (CONSTANT_Methodref_info structure), 95
- name_index item
- (CONSTANT_Class_info structure), 93
- (CONSTANT_NameAndType_info structure), 99
- (field_info structure), 103
- (LocalVariableTable_attribute structure), 117
- (method_info structure), 105
- names
- See also identifiers
- attributes, avoiding conflicts in, 108
- class, term definition, 24
- classes, internal representation, 89
- fully qualified, 23
- new attributes, 107
- qualified
- access control and, 22
- term definition, 20
- simple, term definition, 20
- NaN (Not-a-Number)
- conversion of
- bytes item, CONSTANT_Float_info structure into, 97
- high_bytes and low_bytes items, CONSTANT_Double_info structure, 99
- IEEE 754 standard, Java Virtual Machine specification changes from, 60
- operations that produce, 76
- term definition, 7
- narrowing primitive conversions
- See conversions, narrowing primitive
- native keyword
- See also ACC_NATIVE modifier
- methods, 29
- pc register state, 62
- stacks, 65
- negating
- double, dneg, 191
- float, fneg, 219
- int, ineg, 255
- long, lneg, 299
- negative infinity
- conversion of
- bytes item, CONSTANT_Float_info structure into, 97
- high_bytes and low_bytes items, CONSTANT_Double_info structure, 99
- NegativeArraySizeException, 38
- anewarray, 162
- anewarray_quick, 392
- multianewarray, 316
- multianewarray_quick, 421
- newarray, 320
- new instruction, 318
- constraints, static, 120, 121
- data-flow analysis during class file verification, 132
- in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
- arrays, 358
- throwing exceptions, 362
- working with class instances, 355
- new_quick instruction, 422
- newarray instruction, 320
- constraints, static, 121
- in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, arrays, 357
- NoClassDefFoundError, 43
- anewarray, 162
- checkcast, 175
- constant pool resolution generation of, 142
- getfield, 226
- getstatic, 228
- instanceof, 257
- invokespecial, 263
- invokestatic, 266
- invokevirtual, 268
- as loading process error, 39
- multianewarray, 316
- new, 318
- putfield, 325
- putstatic, 327
- when thrown during initialization, 48
- nonterminal symbols
- descriptor grammar notation, 90
- nop instruction, 322
- normal completion
- term definition, 68
- NoSuchFieldError, 39, 45
- constant pool resolution generation of, during field reference resolution, 148
- getfield, 226
- getstatic, 228
- as linking error, 39
- putfield, 325
- putstatic, 327
- NoSuchMethodError, 46
- constant pool resolution generation of, during method reference resolution, 148
- invokespecial, 263
- invokestatic, 266
- invokevirtual, 268
- as linking error, 39
- notation
- class file format descriptions, 83
- descriptor grammar, 90
- instruction families, 75
- notification
- notify method, multithreaded actions, 54
- notifyAll method, multithreaded actions, 54
- wait sets and, 387
- null object reference
- pushing, aconst_null, 159
- null reference
- null type, 6
- term definition, 61
- testing for, 80
- NullPointerException, 39
- aaload, 156
- aastore, 158
- arraylength, 164
- athrow, 167
- baload, 169
- bastore, 170
- caload, 172
- castore, 173
- daload, 181
- dastore, 182
- faload, 209
- fastore, 210
- getfield, 226
- getfield_quick, 395
- getfield_quick_w, 396
- getfield2_quick, 398
- iaload, 239
- NullPointerException (cont.)
- iastore, 241
- invokeinterface, 260
- invokeinterface_quick, 403
- invokenonvirtual_quick, 406
- invokespecial, 263
- invokesuper_quick, 408
- invokevirtual, 269
- invokevirtual_quick, 411
- invokevirtual_quick_w, 413
- invokevirtualobject_quick, 415
- laload, 286
- lastore, 288
- monitorenter, 312
- monitorexit, 314
- new, 318
- putfield, 325
- putfield_quick, 423
- putfield_quick_w, 424
- putfield2_quick, 426
- saload, 331
- sastore, 332
- number_of_exceptions item
- (Exceptions_attribute structure), 114
- numeric
- comparisons
- floating-point positive and negative zero, 59
- implications of unordered NaN values, 60
- conversions
- binary promotion, term definition, 19
- narrowing, support for, 77
- narrowing, impact on precision, 78
- unary promotion, term definition, 19
- widening, impact on precision, 77
- promotions, 13
- types
- components, 7, 58
- promotion conversion, context, 14
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Java Virtual Machine Specification
Copyright © 1996, 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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