Contents | Prev | Next | IndexThe JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification


Object class, 10
See also arrays; instances
term definition, 9
mnemonics by opcode (table), 429
reserved, 152
term definition, 71
constraints, static, 119
implicit, compilation advantage of, 342
instructions, verification process, 128
Java Virtual Machine instructions, storage order and alignment, 71
code verification, Pass 3 - bytecode verifier, 128
data flow analysis, 126
duplicating top operand on, dup, 198
duplicating top operand on, and put three down in stack, dup_x2, 200
duplicating top operand on, and put two down in stack, dup_x1, 199
duplicating top two operand words, dup2, 201
duplicating top two operand words, and put four down in stack, dup2_x2, 203
duplicating top two operand words, and put three down in stack, dup2_x1, 202
exception handling impact on, 70
frames used to hold, 67
management instruction summary, 79
maximum number of words, 111
merging, during data-flow analysis, 130
pop two words, pop2, 324
pop word, pop, 323
size limitation, 136
structural constraints on instructions, 122
swap top two words, swap, 334
term definition, 71
types, how distinguished by Java Virtual Machine instruction set, 57
alternative instruction use, 127
execution, thread rules, 373
ordered values
floating point values, 60
NaN values not ordered, implications of, 60
bitwise, exclusive, ixor, 279
bitwise, inclusive, ior, 270
bitwise, exclusive, lxor, 311
bitwise, inclusive, lor, 302
constant pool
related error, 64
resolution generation of, 143
heap-related error, 63
Java stack-related error, 62
as Java Virtual Machine error, 40
method area-related error, 64
native method stack-related error, 65
when thrown during initialization, 48
floating-point, Java Virtual Machine handling, 76
integer data types, not detected by Java Virtual Machine, 76
in interfaces, 32
term definition, 22
ACC_FINAL modifier, method_info structure prevention of, 104
in interfaces, 32
methods, term definition, 27
term definition, 22

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Java Virtual Machine Specification

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