Contents | Prev | Next | IndexThe JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification


members of, 21
term definition, 20
See also local variables
constructors, as kind of variable, 11
descriptor, syntax and meaning, 91
exception handler, as kind of variable, 11
formal, 28
methods, as kind of variable, 11
passive use
term definition, 46
pc (program counter) register
term definition, 61
implications, opcode design and alignment, 71
term definition, 9
stack operand
pop one words, pop, 323
pop two words, pop2, 324
pop instruction, 323
pop2 instruction, 324
positive infinity
conversion of
bytes item, CONSTANT_Float_info structure into, 97
high_bytes and low_bytes items, CONSTANT_Double_info structure, 99
pound sign (#)
use in Java Virtual Machine assembly language example, 340
term definition, 37
See also numeric
narrowing numeric conversion impact on, 78
widening numeric conversion impact on, 77
overview, 41
term definition, 44
prescient store
actions, with threads, 378
See also boolean; char type; conversions; floating-point; integers
as Java Virtual Machine data type, 57
term definition, 58
values, term definition, 58
private keyword
See also ACC_PRIVATE modifier
access implications, 23
methods, 28
invoking, invokespecial, 261
invoking, invokenonvirtual_quick, 406
program counter
See pc (program counter) register
protected keyword
See also ACC_PROTECTED modifier
access implications, 23
fields, structural constraints, 123
methods, structural constraints, 123
public keyword
See also ACC_PUBLIC modifier
access implications, 23
class, term definition, 25
methods, 28
byte, bipush, 171
ldc, 291
ldc_quick, 417
wide index, ldc_w, 292
wide index, ldc_w_quick, 418
dconst_<d>, 184
wide index, ldc2_w, 294
wide index, ldc2_w_quick, 419
float, fconst_<f>, 212
int, iconst_<i>, 242
constants, lconst_<l>, 290
wide index, ldc2_w, 294
wide index, ldc2_w_quick, 419
null object references, aconst_null, 159
short, sipush, 333
putfield instruction, 325
static, 120
structural, 123
in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
operand stack operations, 361
working with class instances, 356
putfield_quick instruction, 423
putfield_quick_w instruction, 424
putfield2_quick instruction, 426
putstatic instruction, 327
static, 120
structural, 123
putstatic_quick instruction, 427
putstatic2_quick instruction, 428

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Java Virtual Machine Specification

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