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D character
field descriptor meaning, 91
d2f instruction, 176
d2i instruction, 177
d2l instruction, 178
dadd instruction, 179
in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
constants and local variables in a for loop, 343, 344
while loop, 349
daemon threads
term definition, 53
daload instruction, 181
dastore instruction, 182
runtime, pc register, 61
runtime, Java stacks, 62
runtime, heap, 63
runtime, method area, 63
runtime, constant pool, 64
runtime, native method stacks, 65
structures, class files, (chapter), 83
types, Java Virtual Machine, 57
data types, 6
See also attributes table; boolean type; byte type; char type; constant_pool table; double type; fields table; float type; int type; integral; long type; null type; reference type; returnAddress type; short type; String type
arguments, structural constraints on instructions, 122
arrays, Java Virtual Machine mapping, 74
categories, 7
checkcast, 174
checkcast_quick, 393
instanceof, 256
instanceof_quick, 401
class file data, methods that can read, 83
classes compared with, 13
and numeric promotion impact on, 13
instructions, 77
Java storage, mapping between Java Virtual Machine computational types and (table), 74
Java Virtual Machine instruction set
encoding of, 72
mapping between Java storage types and computational types (table), 74
support for (table), 73
primitive, 7
two-word, structural constraints on instructions, 122
data-flow analysis
code array, 126
initialization, Pass 3 - bytecode verifier, 129
running, Pass 3 - bytecode verifier, 129
dcmpg instruction, 183
in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
constants and local variables in a for loop, 343
while loop, 349, 350
dcmpl instruction, 183
in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, while loop, 350
dconst_<d> instructions, 184
in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
constants and local variables in a for loop, 343
while loop, 349
ddiv instruction, 185
Java Virtual Machine implementation issues, 82
defineClass method
ClassLoader class, constant pool resolution of classes and interfaces loaded by, 145
new attributes, 107
term definition, 8
descriptor_index item
(CONSTANT_NameAndType_info structure), 100
(field_info structure), 103
(LocalVariableTable_attribute structure), 117
(method_info structure), 106
characteristics and use, 89
descriptors (cont.)
as value of CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure referenced by descriptor_index item, CONSTANT_NameAndType_info structure, 100
as value of CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure referenced by descriptor_index item, field_info structure, 103
structural constraints on instructions, 123
syntax and item descriptions, 90
syntax and meaning, 90
grammar for specification of, 90
argument number limitation, 136
as value of CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure referenced by descriptor_index item, CONSTANT_NameAndType_info structure, 100
syntax and item descriptions, 91
arrays, field descriptor specification, 91
directly implement, term definition, 30
extension, term definition, 30
subclass, term definition, 25
superclass, term definition, 25
double, ddiv, 185
float, fdiv, 213
int, idiv, 243
long, ldiv, 295
dload instruction, 187
constraints, static, 121
dload_<n> instructions, 188
constraints, static, 121
in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
constants and local variables in a for loop, 343, 344
while loop, 349, 350
dmul instruction, 189
dneg instruction, 191
do nothing
nop, 322
double type
See also floating-point
adding, dadd, 179
characteristics and values, 59
dcmpg, 183
dcmpl, 183
compilation of, Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, 343
float to, f2d, 204
int to, i2d, 234
long to, l2d, 282
to float, d2f, 176
to int, d2i, 177
to long, d2l, 178
data-flow analysis handling, 131
dividing, ddiv, 185
double-precision floating-point constant, representation, syntax and item descriptions, 97
field descriptor specification, 91
getting from class instances, getfield2_quick, 398
putting into class instances, putfield2_quick, 426
loading from
arrays, daload, 181
local variables, dload, 187
local variables, dload_<n>, 188
multiplying, dmul, 189
negating, dneg, 191
wide index, ldc2_w, 294
wide index, ldc2_w_quick, 419
pushing constants, dconst_<d>, 184
remainder, drem, 192
storing into
arrays, dastore, 182
local variables, dstore, 195
local variables, dstore_<n>, 196
subtracting, dsub, 197
term definition, 58
values, 7
return from method, dreturn, 194
drem instruction, 192
dreturn instruction, 194
constraints, structural, 123
in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, constants and local variables in a for loop, 344
dstore instruction, 195
constraints, static, 121
in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, accessing the constant pool, 347
dstore_<n> instructions, 196
constraints, static, 121
in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
constants and local variables in a for loop, 343
while loop, 349
dsub instruction, 197
dup instruction, 198
dup instructions
in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples
arrays, 358
operand stack operations, 361
throwing exceptions, 362
working with class instances, 355
operand stack manipulation constraints, 67
dup_x1 instruction, 199
dup_x2 instruction, 200
dup2 instruction, 201
dup2_x1 instruction, 202
in Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, operand stack operations, 361
dup2_x2 instruction, 203
See also dup instructions
top operand stack word
dup, 198
dup_x1, 199
dup_x2, 200
top two operand stack words
dup2, 201
dup2_x1, 202
dup2_x2, 203

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Java Virtual Machine Specification

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