- encapsulation
- frames, locality of, 66
- end_pc item
- (Code_attribute structure), 112
- entering
- monitor for object, monitorenter, 312
- Error
- as Throwable class direct subclass, 38
- as unrecoverable runtime exception class, 39
- errors
- See also exceptions
- handling, exceptions use for, 34
- heap-related, OutOfMemoryError, 63
- Java stack-related
- OutOfMemoryError, 62
- StackOverflowError, 62
- loading, 43
- method area-related, OutOfMemoryError, 64
- native method stack-related
- OutOfMemoryError, 65
- StackOverflowError, 65
- preparation, 44
- throwing, athrow, 167
- verification, 44
- events
- execution order of, constraints on relationships among, 373
- Exception
- as Throwable class direct subclass, 38
- exception_index_table array
- (Exceptions_attribute structure), 114
- exception_table array
- (Code_attribute structure), 112
- exception_table_length item
- (Code_attribute structure), 112
- ExceptionInInitializerError, 39
- anewarray, 162
- checkcast, 175
- constant pool resolution generation of, 143
- getfield, 226
- getstatic, 228
- instanceof, 257
- invokespecial, 263
- invokestatic, 266
- invokevirtual, 268
- multianewarray, 316
- new, 318
- putfield, 325
- putstatic, 327
- when thrown during initialization, 39
- exceptions
- See also catch clause(s); errors; try-catch-finally statement; try-finally statement
- abnormal completion, 68
- asynchronous, reasons for and handling of, 37
- causes of, 35
- exceptions (cont.)
- conversions
- narrowing primitive, 16
- widening primitive, not possible, 15
- dispatching, frame use for, 66
- (Exceptions_attribute structure), support required for, 107
- handler parameters, as kind of variable, 11
- handlers
- code verification, Pass 3 - bytecode verifier, 128
- Sun's Java compiled code characteristics, 133
- handling, 36
- instruction summary, 81
- structural constraints on instructions, 122
- Java Virtual Machine handling procedures, 69
- normal completion, characterized by lack of, 68
- requirements for throwing, 114
- standard unchecked runtime, list of unrecoverable, 39
- term definition, 34
- throwing, athrow, 167
- Exceptions_attribute structure
- (method_info structure), 113
- execution
- Java program, life cycle, 40
- order, thread rules, 373
- paths, structural constraints on instructions, 122
- exit
- Java Virtual Machine, conditions for, 52
- monitor for object, monitorexit, 314
- exit method
- Java Virtual Machine exit activated by, 52
- expressions
- interface type, implications, 13
- extend
- local variable index by additional bytes, wide, 337
- extends clause
- term definition, 25
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Java Virtual Machine Specification
Copyright © 1996, 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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