Contents | Prev | Next | IndexThe JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification


F character
field descriptor meaning, 91
f2d instruction, 204
f2i instruction, 205
f2l instruction, 206
fadd instruction, 207
faload instruction, 209
fastore instruction, 210
fcmpg instruction, 211
fcmpl instruction, 211
fconst_<f> instructions, 212
fdiv instruction, 213
field_info structure, 88
(fields table of ClassFile structure), 101
See also constants; data types; fields table; methods; variables
access expressions, access control and, 22
class, field_info structure access flags, 102
constant, 46
constant pool
references, verification process, 126
resolution of, 147
constants, as interface members, 30
creation and manipulation, instruction summary, 79
data flow analysis, 126
as value of CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure referred by descriptor_index item, CONSTANT_NameAndType_info structure, 100
syntax and meaning, 90
get from class instances
getfield, 226
getfield_quick, 395
long or double, getfield2_quick, 398
wide index, getfield_quick_w, 396
initialization of, 27
interfaces, 31
field_info structure access flags, 102
length as array type member, 22
modifiers, 26
number limitation, 136
protected structural constraints, 123
put into class instances
putfield, 325
putfield_quick, 423
long or double, putfield2_quick, 426
wide index, putfield_quick_w, 424
references, constant pool resolution, 147
get from classes, getstatic, 228
get from classes, getstatic_quick, 399
get from classes, getstatic2_quick, 400
put into classes, putstatic_quick, 427
put into classes, putstatic2_quick, 428
put into classes, putstatic, 327
term definition, 26
types, 91
volatile term definition, 27
fields_count item
(ClassFile structure), 88
fields table
(ClassFile structure), 88
final keyword
See also ACC_FINAL modifier
and method constraint checking, 126
term definition, 24
methods, 28
term definition, 24
of class instances, finalize method, 51
finalizer term definition, 51
finally clause
data-flow analysis during class file verification, 134
exception handling role, 36
implementation of
in catch_type item (Code_attribute structure), 113
instruction summary, 81
try-finally clause, Sun's Java compiled code characteristics, 133
uninitialized object restrictions, Pass 3 - bytecode verifier, 133
findSystemClass method
ClassLoader class, constant pool resolution of classes and interfaces loaded by, 145
finite nonzero floating-point values
IEEE 754 standard, Java Virtual Machine specification conformance to, 59
fload instruction, 215
See also wide instruction
constraints, static, 121
fload_<n> instructions, 216
constraints, static, 121
float type
See also floating-point
adding, fadd, 207
fcmpg, 211
fcmpl, 211
double to, d2f, 176
int to, i2f, 235
long to, l2f, 283
to double, f2d, 204
to int, f2i, 205
to long, f2l, 206
dividing, fdiv, 213
loading from
arrays, faload, 209
local variables, fload, 215
local variables, fload_<n>, 216
multiplying, fmul, 217
negating, fneg, 219
pushing constants, fconst_<f>, 212
remainder, frem, 220
storing into
arrays, fastore, 210
local variables, fstore, 223
local variables, fstore_<n>, 224
subtracting, fsub, 225
value, return from method, freturn, 222
comparison, IEEE 754 conformance, 80
casting not permitted between boolean type and, 9
characteristics and values, 59
components, and values, 7, 58
field descriptor specification, 91
underflow and overflow, Java Virtual Machine handling, 76
values, operators on, 8
fmul instruction, 217
fneg instruction, 219
for keyword
compilation of, Java Virtual Machine assembly language examples, 341
forward slashes (/)
class name use, 89
See also stacks
exception handling impact on, 70
local variables, 66
term definition, 66
frem instruction, 220
freturn instruction, 222
constraints, structural, 123
fstore instruction, 223
constraints, static, 121
fstore_<n> instructions, 224
constraints, static, 121
fsub instruction, 225

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Java Virtual Machine Specification

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