Index of language elements
& , 2
- && , 2
- !, 3
- [<, B
- [>, B
- (), 2
- **, 2
- *., 2
- *, 2, 2
- +., 2
- +, 2
- -., 2
- ->, 2
- -, 2
- /., 2
- /, 2
- ::, 2
- :=, 3
- :>, 15
- :, 2, B
- ;, 3
- <-, 3, 3, 3
- <=, 2
- <>, 2
- <, 2
- ==, 2
- =, 2
- >=, 2
- >}, 15
- >, 2
- ?, B
- @, 2
- [], 2
- #, 15, 15
- %, 8
- ^, 2
- _, 2
- {<, 15
- `, B
- ||, 2
- , B
- Arg (module), 8
- Arith_status (module), 8
- Array (module), 3, 8, 8, 8
- accept, 20
- acos, 2
- add_available_units, 8
- add_interfaces, 8
- alarm, 18
- alloc.h, 12
- allow_unsafe_modules, 8
- and (mot-clé), 2, 2
- append, 8, 8
- argv, 8
- array (type), 3
- as (mot-clé), 2, 15, A
- asin, 2
- assoc, 6, 8
- assq, 8
- atan, 2
- Buffer (module), 8
- background, 5
- big_int (type du module Num), 8
- bind, 20, 20
- blit, 8
- blit_image, 5
- bool (type), 2
- bprintf, 8
- broadcast, 19
- button_down, 5
- Callback (module), 12
- Condition (module), 19
- catch, 8
- ceil, 2
- char (type), 2
- char_of_int, 2
- chdir, 8
- check, 9
- class (mot-clé), 15
- clear_available_units, 8
- clear_graph, 5
- close, 18, 20, 20
- close_graph, 5
- close_in, 3
- close_out, 3
- close_process, 18
- color (type), 5
- combine, 6, 8
- command, 8
- compact, 9
- concat, 8, 8
- connect, 20, 20
- constraint (mot-clé), 15
- copy, 8, 15
- cos, 2
- create, 3, 8, 9, 19, 19, 19
- create_image, 5
- create_process, 18
- current_point, 5
- Delayed, 4
- Digest (module), 8, 8
- Dynlink (module), 8
- delay, 19
- descr_of_in_channel, 18
- descr_of_out_channel, 18
- do (mot-clé), 3
- done (mot-clé), 3
- downto (mot-clé), 3
- draw_arc, 5
- draw_circle, 5
- draw_ellipse, 5
- draw_image, 5
- dump_image, 5
- dup, 18
- dup2, 18
- End_of_file, 3
- Event (module), 19
- else (mot-clé), 2
- end (mot-clé), 14, 15
- eprintf, 8
- error, 8
- error (type du module Unix), 18
- error_message, 18
- establish_server, 20
- event, 5
- exception (mot-clé), 2
- exists, 2, 8
- exit, 19
- exn (type du module Pervasives), 2
- exp, 2
- external (mot-clé), 12
- Filename (module), 8
- Format (module), 8
- failwith, 2
- false, 2
- file, 8
- file_exists, 8
- fill, 8
- fill_poly, 5
- fill_rect, 5
- filter, 8
- find, 8
- find_all, 8
- flatten, 8
- float (type), 2
- float_of_string, 2
- floor, 2
- fold_left, 2, 8, 8
- fold_right, 8, 8
- for (mot-clé), 3
- for_all, 2, 8
- force, 4
- foreground, 5
- format (type), 8, 8
- fprintf, 8
- from_channel, 8
- from_string, 8
- fst, 2
- full_major, 9
- fun (mot-clé), 2
- function (mot-clé), 2
- functor (mot-clé), 14
- Gc (module), 9
- Genlex (module), 11
- Graphics (module), 5
- get, 8, 9, 9
- get_image, 5
- getcwd, 8
- getenv, 8
- gethostbyaddr, 20
- gethostbyname, 20
- gethostname, 20
- getservbyname, 20
- getservbyport, 20
- global_replace, 11
- Hashtbl (module), 8, 8
- handle_error, 18
- hd, 2, 8
- host_entry (type du module Unix), 20
- if (mot-clé), 2
- ignore, 3
- image, 5
- in (mot-clé), 2
- in_channel, 3
- in_channel_of_descr, 18
- inet_addr (type du module Unix), 20
- inet_addr_of_string, 20
- init, 6, 8
- initializer (mot-clé), 15
- input, 3
- input_line, 3
- int, 6
- int (type), 2
- int_of_char, 2
- int_of_string, 2
- interactive, 8
- iter, 8, 8
- iter2, 8
- iteri, 8
- key_pressed, 5
- kill, 18, 19
- Lazy (module), 4
- Lexing (module), 11
- List (module), 2, 8, 8, 8
- labltk (commande), B
- lazy (mot-clé), 4
- length, 8, 8
- let (mot-clé), 2, 2
- lexbuf (type du module Lexing), 11
- lineto, 5
- list (type), 2
- listen, 20, 20
- loadfile, 8
- loadfile_private, 8
- lock, 19
- log, 2
- log10, 2
- lseek, 18
- Map (module), 14
- Marshal (module), 8, 8
- Match_Failure, 2
- Mutex (module), 19
- major, 9
- make, 8
- make_image, 5
- make_lexer, 11
- make_matrix, 8
- map, 2, 2, 8, 8
- map2, 8
- mapi, 8
- match (mot-clé), 2, 4
- matched_string, 11
- max_array_length, 8, 8
- mem, 2, 8
- mem_assoc, 8
- mem_assq, 8
- memory.h, 12
- memq, 2, 8
- method (mot-clé), 15
- minor, 9
- mkfifo, 18
- mlvalues.h, 12
- mod, 2
- module (mot-clé), 14
- module type (mot-clé), 14
- mouse_pos, 5
- moveto, 5
- mutable (mot-clé), 3
- None, 9
- Num (module), 8
- new (mot-clé), 15
- next, 4
- not, 2, 2
- nth, 8
- num (type du module Num), 8
- OS_type, 8
- object (mot-clé), 15
- ocaml (commande), 7, 7
- ocamlbrowser (commande), B
- ocamlc (commande), 7, 7, 7
- ocamlc.opt (commande), 7
- ocamldebug (commande), 10
- ocamldep (commande), 10
- ocamllex (commande), 11, 11
- ocamlmktop (commande), 5, 7, 7
- ocamlopt (commande), 7
- ocamlopt.opt (commande), 7
- ocamlrun (commande), 7, 7
- ocamlyacc (commande), 11, 11
- of (mot-clé), 2
- of_channel, 4
- of_list, 6, 8
- of_string, 4
- open (mot-clé), 8, 14
- open_connection, 20
- open_flag (type du module Unix), 18
- open_graph, 5
- open_in, 3
- open_out, 3
- open_process, 18
- openfile, 18
- option (type du module Pervasives), 9
- or, 2
- out_channel, 3
- out_channel_of_descr, 18
- output, 3
- Pervasives (module), 8
- Printexc (module), 8
- Printf (module), 8
- parse, 8
- parser (mot-clé), 4, 11
- partition, 8
- pipe, 18
- plot, 5
- point_color, 5
- print, 8
- print_newline, 3
- print_stat, 9
- print_string, 3
- printf, 8
- private (mot-clé), 15
- process_status (type du module Unix), 18
- Queue (module), 8
- Random (module), 8
- raise (mot-clé), 2
- ratio (type du module Num), 8
- read, 18
- read_key, 5
- read_line, 3
- rec (mot-clé), 2
- receive, 19
- -rectypes, A
- ref (type), 3
- regexp, 11
- register, 12
- remove, 8
- remove_assoc, 8
- remove_assq, 8
- rename, 8
- rev, 8
- rev_append, 8
- rgb (type), 5
- Set (module), 14
- Some, 9
- Sort (module), 8
- Stack (module), 8, 14
- Stack_overflow (exception), 4
- Str (module), 11
- Stream (module), 4
- String (module), 8
- Sys (module), 8
- Sys_error, 3
- search_forward, 11
- seek_command (type du module Unix), 18
- send, 19
- service_entry (type du module Unix), 20
- set, 8, 9, 9
- set_binary_mode_in, 18
- set_binary_mode_out, 18
- set_color, 5
- set_font, 5
- set_line, 5
- set_signal, 18
- set_text_size, 5
- shutdown_connection, 20
- sig (mot-clé), 14
- sigalrm, 18
- sigchld, 18
- sigint, 18
- signal, 18, 19
- signal_behavior (type du module Unix), 18
- sigusr1, 18
- sigusr2, 18
- sin, 2
- sleep, 18
- snd, 2
- sockaddr (type du module Unix), 20
- socket, 20
- socket (type du module Unix), 20
- socket_domain (type du module Unix), 20
- socket_type (type du module Unix), 20
- split, 8
- sprintf, 8
- sqrt, 2
- stat, 9
- status, 5
- stderr, 3, 18
- stdin, 3, 18
- stdout, 3, 18
- stream (type), 4
- string, 8
- string (type), 2
- string_of_float, 2
- string_of_inet_addr, 20
- string_of_int, 2
- struct (mot-clé), 14
- sub, 8
- sync, 19
- Thread (module), 19
- ThreadUnix (module), 20
- tan, 2
- then (mot-clé), 2
- time, 6, 8
- tl, 2, 8
- to (mot-clé), 3
- to_buffer, 8
- to_channel, 8
- to_list, 8
- to_string, 8, 8
- token (type du module Genlex), 11
- #trace (directive), 10
- true, 2
- try (mot-clé), 2
- try_lock, 19
- type (mot-clé), 2
- Unix (module), 18
- Unix_error, 18
- unit (type), 2
- unlock, 19
- #untrace (directive), 10
- #untrace_all (directive), 10
- Value, 4
- val (mot-clé), 14, 15
- val mutable (mot-clé), 15
- value, 12, 12
- virtual (mot-clé), 15
- Weak (module), 8, 9
- wait, 18, 19
- wait_next_event, 5
- wait_time_read, 20
- wait_time_write, 20
- waitpid, 18
- when (mot-clé), 2
- while (mot-clé), 3
- with (mot-clé), 2, 2, 2, 4, 14
- word_size, 8
- write, 18