Contents | Prev | Next | IndexThe JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification

symbols A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z


controlling runaway
Java virtual machine stack size limit use for, 68
native method stack size limit use for, 71
reference type
branch if reference
comparison succeeds, if_acmp<cond>, 266
is null, ifnull, 272
not null, ifnonnull, 271
determining if an object is a particular
instanceof, 278
Java virtual machine
handling of, 62
data type, 61
null, testing for, 89
values, 11
components and, 66
field, resolution of, 167
final fields, 30
symbolic, mapping to concrete values as part of resolution, 165
as reason for initialization, 170
Java virtual machine support for, 91
program counter (pc), 67
double, drem, 212
float, frem, 242
int, irem, 295
long, lrem, 326
internal, class names, 99
reserved opcodes
breakpoint, 172
impdep1, 172
impdep2, 172
as part of linking, 166
class and interface, 166
definition, 50
AbstractMethodError, thrown during method resolution, 168
ClassCircularityError, thrown during class or interface resolution, 164
IllegalAccessError, thrown during class or interface resolution, 167
IllegalAccessError, thrown during field resolution, 167
IllegalAccessError, thrown during method resolution, 168
IncompatibleClassChangeError, thrown during class or interface resolution, 164
IncompatibleClassChangeError, thrown during interface method resolution, 169
IncompatibleClassChangeError, thrown during method resolution, 168
NoSuchFieldError, thrown during field resolution, 167
NoSuchFieldError, thrown during interface method resolution, 169
NoSuchFieldError, thrown during method resolution, 168
field, 167
instructions causing
anewarray, 181
checkcast, 193
getfield, 248
getstatic, 250
instanceof, 278
invokeinterface, 280
invokespecial, 284
invokestatic, 288
invokevirtual, 291
multianewarray, 339
new, 341
putfield, 348
putstatic, 350
lazy, 49
method, instance or class, 167
method, interface, 168
overview, 47
static, 49
types of, 47
ret instruction
See also jsr instruction; jsr_w instruction
compilation examples, compiling finally, 392, 394
static, 136
structural, 139
definition, 352
returnAddress type used by, 66
try-finally clause implementation use, Sun's Java compiler output characteristics, 150
descriptor, syntax and meaning, 102
from method
double value, dreturn, 214
float value, freturn, 244
int value, ireturn, 296
long value, lreturn, 327
void, return, 353
from subroutine, ret, 352
reference value, areturn, 182
type, method, structural constraints on instructions, 138
return instruction
compilation examples
arrays, 382, 383
catching exceptions, 388, 389, 390, 391
compiling finally, 392, 393
constants and local variables in a for loop, 365, 367, 369
while loop, 372, 373
working with class instances, 379, 381
throwing exceptions, 387, 388
constraints, structural, 138
definition, 353
returnAddress type
characteristics and values, 66
definition, 62
instance constraints, 139
local variable constraints, 139
right parentheses )
meaning in method descriptor, 102
round to nearest
See also numeric
definition, 11, 85
round towards zero
definition, 11, 85
runFinalizersOnExit method
Java virtual machine exit role, 57
class files verification issues, 140
data areas
heap, 68
Java virtual machine stack, 67
method area, 69
native method stacks, 70
pc register, 67
runtime constant pool, 70
RuntimeException as Exception class direct subclass, 43
type, as incorrect terminology, 15
as Throwable class direct subclass, 43

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The JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification
Copyright © 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
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