- aaload instruction
- definition, 175
- aastore instruction
- compilation examples, arrays, 383
- constraints, structural, 139
- definition, 176
- abrupt completion
- method invocation, 74
- abstract modifier
- See also AbstractMethodError; ACC_ABSTRACT flag
- in class declarations, 28
- in method declarations, 32
- AbstractMethodError
- definition, 45
- thrown by
- invokeinterface, 280
- invokespecial, 284
- invokevirtual, 291
- thrown during method resolution, 168
- See also abstract modifier
- (access_flags item of ClassFile structure), 96
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 115
- (inner_class_access_flags item of InnerClasses_attribute structure), 127
- ACC_FINAL flag
- See also final modifier
- (access_flags item of ClassFile structure), 96
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 113
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 115
- (inner_class_access_flags item of InnerClasses_attribute structure), 127
- See also interfaces
- (access_flags item of ClassFile structure), 96
- (inner_class_access_flags item of InnerClasses_attribute structure), 127
- See also native modifier
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 115
- See also private modifier
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 113
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 115
- (inner_class_access_flags item of InnerClasses_attribute structure), 127
- See also protected modifier
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 113
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 115
- (inner_class_access_flags item of InnerClasses_attribute structure), 127
- See also public modifier
- (access_flags item of ClassFile structure), 96
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 113
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 115
- (inner_class_access_flags item of InnerClasses_attribute structure), 127
- See also static modifier
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 113
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 115
- (inner_class_access_flags item of InnerClasses_attribute structure), 127
- See also FP-strict floating-point mode, strictfp modifier
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 115
- ACC_SUPER flag
- See also superclasses
- (access_flags item of ClassFile structure), 96
- See also synchronization
- (access_flags item of method_info structure), 115
- See also transient modifier
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 113
- See also volatile modifier
- (access_flags item of field_info structure), 113
- access control
- See also access_flags item, IllegalAccessError
- default access, 27
- during dynamic method lookup
- invokeinterface, 280
- invokevirtual, 291
- enforcement, 169
- final fields
- putfield, 348
- putstatic, 350
- instance initialization methods, 78
- package private access, 169
- private access, 27
- protected access, 27
- public access, 27
- qualified names and, 26
- access_flags item
- See also access control
- (ClassFile structure), 95
- (field_info structure), 112
- (method_info structure), 115
- aconst_null instruction
- definition, 178
- actions
- main memory subsystem
- lock, 399
- read, 398
- unlock, 399
- write, 399
- prescient store, with threads, 404
- thread
- assign, 398
- constraints on relationships among, 399
- load, 399
- lock, 399
- store, 399
- unlock, 399
- use, 399
- adding
- double, dadd, 198
- float, fadd, 228
- int, iadd, 260
- long, ladd, 309
- algorithms
- class file verification, 140
- conversion of bytes item, CONSTANT_Float_info structure, to float value, 107
- conversion of high_bytes and low_bytes items, CONSTANT_Double_info structure, to double value, 109
- creation and loading
- array classes, 158, 161
- classes, 157
- interfaces, 158
- using a user-defined class loader, 160
- using the default class loader, 160
- string literals, derivation of, 157
- alignment
- code array, 121
- Java virtual machine instructions, implementation implications, 80
- aload instruction
- See alsoastore instruction, wide instruction
- constraints, static, 136
- definition, 179
- aload_<n> instructions
- See also astore_<n> instructions
- compilation examples
- arrays, 382
- catching exceptions, 388, 389, 391
- compiling finally, 392, 393, 394
- invoking methods, 376, 378
- operand stack operations, 386
- throwing exceptions, 387, 388
- working with class instances, 379, 380
- constraints, static, 136
- definition, 180
- ANDing
- int, bitwise, iand, 262
- long, bitwise, land, 311
- anewarray instruction
- compilation examples, arrays, 382
- constraints, static, 136
- definition, 181
- areturn instruction
- compilation examples
- arrays, 383
- working with class instances, 379, 380
- constraints, structural, 138
- definition, 182
- arithmetic
- adding
- double, dadd, 198
- float, fadd, 228
- int, iadd, 260
- long, ladd, 309
- ArithmeticException, 44
- thrown by idiv, 265
- thrown by irem, 295
- thrown by ldiv, 318
- thrown by lrem, 326
- compilation examples, 369
- dividing
- double, ddiv, 205
- float, fdiv, 235
- int, idiv, 265
- long, ldiv, 318
- exception, ArithmeticException, 44
- floating-point, 75
- instruction set, summary, 84
- multiplying
- double, dmul, 209
- float, fmul, 239
- int, imul, 276
- long, lmul, 321
- negating
- double, dneg, 211
- float, fneg, 241
- int, ineg, 277
- long, lneg, 322
- remainder
- double, drem, 212
- float, frem, 212
- int, irem, 295
- long, lrem, 326
- subtracting
- double, dsub, 217
- float, fsub, 247
- int, isub, 301
- long, lsub, 332
- ArithmeticException
- definition, 44
- thrown by
- idiv, 265
- irem, 295
- ldiv, 318
- lrem, 326
- array(s)
- See also class(es); interfaces; references; types
- accessing, 39
- ArrayStoreException, 44
- classes of, 15
- compilation of, 381
- components, 38
- creating, 39
- instruction summary, 88
- multidimensional, multianewarray, 339
- with components of primitive type, newarray, 343
- with components of reference type, anewarray, 181
- creation of, classes, 158, 161
- definition, 38
- dimensions, number limitation, 153
- exceptions
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 39
- NegativeArraySizeException, 44
- field descriptor
- dimension limits on, 104
- specification, 101
- initializing, 39
- length, 38
- fetching, arraylength, 183
- loading from
- byte or boolean, baload, 188
- char, caload, 191
- double, daload, 200
- float, faload, 230
- int, iaload, 261
- long, laload, 310
- reference, aaload, 175
- short, saload, 354
- manipulating, instruction summary, 88
- storing into
- byte or boolean, bastore, 189
- char, castore, 192
- double, dastore, 201
- float, fastore, 231
- int, iastore, 263
- long, lastore, 312
- reference, aastore, 176
- short, sastore, 355
- types, 11, 38
- Java virtual machine mapping, 82
- variables, 38
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- See also IndexOutOfBoundsException
- thrown by
- aaload, 175
- aastore, 177
- baload, 188
- bastore, 188
- caload, 191
- castore, 192
- daload, 200
- dastore, 201
- faload, 230
- fastore, 231
- iaload, 261
- iastore, 263
- laload, 310
- lastore, 312
- saload, 354
- sastore, 355
- arraylength instruction
- definition, 183
- ArrayStoreException
- definition, 44
- thrown by aastore, 177
- assembly language
- Java virtual machine, format, 361
- assignment
- compatible, 13
- failure, ArrayStoreException thrown when, 44
- conversion, 21
- assumptions
- meaning of "must" in instruction descriptions, 171
- astore instruction
- See also aload instruction; ret instruction; wide instruction
- constraints, static, 136
- definition, 184
- astore_<n> instructions
- See also aload_<n> instructions; ret instruction
- compilation examples
- arrays, 382
- catching exceptions, 388, 389, 391
- compiling finally, 392, 393, 394
- throwing exceptions, 388
- working with class instances, 379
- constraints, static, 136
- definition, 185
- athrow instruction
- compilation examples
- compiling finally, 392, 394
- throwing exceptions, 387
- constraints, structural, 139
- definition, 186
- attribute_info structure
- (generic structure of items in attributes tables), 117
- attribute_length item
- (attribute_info generic structure), 117
- (Code_attribute structure), 121
- (ConstantValue_attribute structure), 119
- (Deprecated_attribute structure), 133
- (Exceptions_attribute structure), 124
- (InnerClasses_attribute structure), 125
- (LineNumberTable_attribute structure), 130
- (LocalVariableTable_attribute structure), 131
- (SourceFile_attribute structure), 128
- (Synthetic_attribute structure), 128
- attribute_name_index item
- (attribute_info generic structure), 117
- (Code_attribute structure), 121
- (ConstantValue_attribute structure), 119
- (Deprecated_attribute structure), 133
- (Exceptions_attribute structure), 123
- (InnerClasses_attribute structure), 125
- (LineNumberTable_attribute structure), 129
- (LocalVariableTable_attribute structure), 131
- (SourceFile_attribute structure), 128
- (Synthetic_attribute structure), 128
- attributes
- See also ClassFile structure:
- attribute_length item
- attribute_name_index item
- attributes table
- attributes_count item
- See also predefined attributes:
- Code_attribute
- ConstantValue_attribute
- Deprecated_attribute
- Exceptions_attribute
- InnerClasses_attribute
- LineNumberTable_attribute
- LocalVariableTable_attribute
- SourceFile_attribute
- Synthetic_attribute
- defining and naming new, 118
- attributes table
- (ClassFile structure), 98
- (Code_attribute structure), 123
- (field_info structure), 114
- (method_info structure), 116
- attributes_count item
- (ClassFile structure), 98
- (Code_attribute structure), 123
- (field_info structure), 114
- (method_info structure), 116
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The JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification
Copyright © 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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